Understanding And Fighting Smelly Feet

Understanding And Fighting Smelly Feet

Foot odor is something that nobody wants to deal with. Not only can it be unpleasant for you, but it can also be embarrassing when you’re around others. Smelly feet are incredibly common, however, ...

A Closer Look At Dry Feet

A Closer Look At Dry Feet

Your feet get a lot of punishment, and every day you put them through a tremendous amount of work. As such, it’s very common for feet to get moist or even wet as you go through your activities. The...

Modern Technology Extends To Your Feet

Modern Technology Extends To Your Feet

When most people think of technology, they think of things like smart phones, high speed internet, computers, and other similar products. But technology has an impact on much more than those things...

Eliminating Foot Odor With No Odor Socks

Eliminating Foot Odor With No Odor Socks

Moving through your day, even when it’s a relaxing one, can often put your body through a lot. In particular, your feet will endure plenty of punishment no matter what you’re doing. They are quite ...

Are You Really Prepared For Your Next Adventure?

Are You Really Prepared For Your Next Adventure?

For extreme athletes and those who head on true adventures – backcountry backpacking, rock climbing, alpine exploring, and so on – it’s important to be prepared. The gear that you take with you wil...

The Big Benefits Of Copper Socks

The Big Benefits Of Copper Socks

Your feet are the foundation of your whole life, and keeping them safe and in the best shape possible is incredibly important. People think that investing in the right pair of shoes is the key for ...