For many people, a sock is just a couple of pieces of fabric you wear on your feet to help keep you warm and add a little extra protection when you wear shoes, and that’s about as far as it goes. F...
A Closer Look At CrossFit And Your Feet
CrossFit has taken the world by storm, and today countless athletes test themselves on a daily basis by embarking on CrossFit training regimens. And while it’s true that you’ll be working out your ...
What Are Antimicrobial Copper Socks And Why Do They Matter To You?
In recent years, a new type of sock has emerged in the market, known as antimicrobial copper socks. These socks have copper-infused fibers woven into the fabric and provide a variety of health bene...
The Difference Copper Hiking Socks Can Make
When you’re a lover of the great outdoors, every hiking or backpacking trip is an adventure you’ll likely love. But while these pursuits usually focus on shunning modern conveniences, it’s also imp...
Diabetes is a serious health issue – one that impacts a tremendous number of people throughout the country. But while managing things like your blood sugar levels are obviously important to those w...
A Closer Look At Moisture And Its Impact On Your Feet
Whether you’re a hiker, an athlete, or just someone who stays active throughout the day, your feet are important to you. They’re literally the foundation for the rest of your body, and as such thei...